9nine – Cross Over+Shining Star PVs and TIF 2011 Performances

Here are the PVs for 9nine’s Cross Over and Shining Star as well as their performances of the songs at Tokyo Idol Festival 2011. I would’ve liked to do Natsu Wanna Say Love U as well, since they also performed that at TIF 2011, but I couldn’t find a translation for it. I think Cross Over and Shining Star PVs might have been subbed before but I just decided to do them since I wanted to sub their TIF 2011 performances. Translation is by Animeyay at AnimeLyrics.

If you’re interested in what order they sang the songs in at TIF 2011, they sang Shining Star then Natsu Wanna Say Love U and ended with Cross Over.

I plan on doing Mano Erina’s TIF 2011 performances as well (and probably the Genkimono de Ikou! PV) so look forward to that soon.

Torrent at Nyaa Torrents
Torrent at Hello Online

Edit: Mediafire account is gone. Will eventually reupload everything that’s missing to PackUpload.

PackUpload Links:
Folder containing the MKV Softsubs
Folder containing the RAWs